lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014


Owl   is the common name of birds of the family Strigidae , the order of the estrigiformes or raptors night. Usually Designates species, Unlike owls , Have raised feathers looking ears.           
The   Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy   Described as   owl  is a species Clearly   Bubo bubo the owl.  however I Also use the word   owl generically, When applied to other species, eg slogans   great horned owl  and caburé .
There are more than 200 kinds of owls. [ citation needed ]   These birds live in almost all parts of the world, except Antarctica. They are birds of prey, Because They feed on live animals: such as fish, insects, mice, lizards and other animals. These birds are nocturnal, and can hunt in the dark. They are very careful to try to catch prey Their, They do the Slightest noise and Malthus the attack, being nocturnal birds have highly developed visual and auditory part. Their size varies by species, is the smallest owl measuring 13.5 cm  

Owls are well known for being very versatile in their habitat birds. They are able to live in a variety of places, some of them surprising. The most common place to find owls are forest areas. They have a limited place that mark as its own territory, where they hide during the day and hunt predators at night.
Some species of owls are able to live in the rainforests, being well adapted to normal humidity and rain.
Popularly believed that only owls live in trees. However, they can live in the trunks of trees or beams stables, shrubs and bushes, in underground burrows, or in abandoned houses. They are able to find good shelters and dwellings.


The bear is one of the largest animals - males can weigh up to 780 kg. Their weight varies by season - fall far outweigh spring. This is because during the fall should eat much trouble then sobrevevir hibernation during the winter. The body is between 172 and 284 cm and the line 6 to 22 cm.
They live 20 to 25 years and eat plants, fruits, insects, mice, salmon, trout, and medium-sized mammals.
Bears usually live alone except females living with her cubs. However, if there is an abundant source of food, the bears have no problem feeding meet together.
Bears live in Europe, Asia and America. Females can have puppies from 5-7 years of age. The bear cub is the smallest of all the babies of mammals compared to the weight of their mothers. At birth, cubs weigh only about 350 grams. Females usually give birth to 2 to 4 puppies and they stay with their mother for 2 to 4 years before independence.

The bear is one of the largest animals - males can weigh up to 780 kg. Their weight varies by season - fall far outweigh spring. This is because during the fall should eat much trouble then sobrevevir hibernation during the winter. The body is between 172 and 284 cm and the line 6 to 22 cm.
They live 20 to 25 years and eat plants, fruits, insects, mice, salmon, trout, and medium-sized mammals.
Bears usually live alone except females living with her ​​cubs. However, if there is an abundant source of food, the bears have no problem meeting together to feed ( see the webcam of bears that have gone to Alaska to eat salmon ).
Bears live in Europe, Asia and America. Females can have puppies from 5-7 years of age. The bear cub is the smallest of all the babies of mammals compared to the weight of their mothers. At birth, cubs weigh only about 350 grams. Females usually give birth to 2 to 4 puppies and they stay with their mother for 2 to 4 years before independence.


The  tiger  ( Panthera tigris ) is one of six species  of the  subfamily  of  panterinos  ( family Felidae ) belonging to the  genus Panthera . Found only in the  Asian continent ; is a  predatory carnivore  and is the  species  of the world's largest cat,  and can reach a comparable fossil felines larger size.    
There are six  subspecies  of tiger, of which that of  Bengal  is the largest; their copies up about 80% of the total population of the  species ; is located in  IndiaBangladeshBhutanBurma  and Nepal . Is an  endangered species , and today, most of the world's tigers live in captivity. The tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh and India.
It is a solitary and territorial animal that usually tends to inhabit  forests dense, but also open areas such as  savannas . Normally the animal tiger hunting medium or large, usually  ungulates . In six different existing tiger subspecies, there is a significant size variation. Tigers males have a much greater than the size of females. Similarly, the territory of a male usually covers an  area  larger than that of a female.

El tigre es el felino más grande del mundo, comparable en tamaño con los grandes félidos fósiles. El tamaño de los tigres y demás características varían de unasubespecie a otra. En estado salvaje, los tigres machos tienen un peso que oscila entre los 100 y los 360 kg y una longitud de 220-380 cm incluyendo la cola, que mide entre 60 y 110 cm y de 70 hasta 122 cm de altura a la cruz. Mientras tanto, las hembras, mucho más pequeñas, tienen un peso de 85 - 167 kg. y una longitud total de 210-275 cm.6 Actualmente, la subespecie más pequeña es la del tigre de Sumatra, mientras que las de mayor tamaño son la del tigre de Amur y eltigre de Bengala.
La mayoría de los tigres tienen un pelaje naranja o leonado, un área intermedia y ventral blanquecina y las rayas varían en tono desde marrón oscuro hasta el negro. La forma y cantidad de las rayas varían según su sexo (si es hembra la cantidad de rayas es menor), aunque la mayoría de los tigres suelen tener menos de 100 rayas. El patrón de rayas es único en cada ejemplar y es posible utilizar esto para identificar a un individuo, de la misma forma que las huellas dactilares se utilizan para identificar a una persona. Sin embargo, debido a lo difícil que es registrar el patrón de rayas en un tigre salvaje, este no es el método más usado para la identificación de un tigre. Probablemente, la función de las rayas es el camuflaje, siendo útil para ocultarse de sus posibles presas. El patrón de rayas también se encuentra en la piel del tigre, por lo que, si es afeitado, sus rayas distintivas pueden ser observadas.